HH Global_Sustainability Annual Report

INNOVATION WITH PURPOSE | Sustainability Report FY21

Towards targets 2021 Progress Summary Sustainability is a journey, not a destination. HH Global believes in sharing its journey openly and honestly. Every year we will publish a report with details of plans, commitments, initiatives, and progress against targets.

The following offers an overview of HH Global’s progress on company commitments and material ESG issues:

Decent Work + Economic Growth

Reduced Inequalities

HH Global Leadership** to have 30% representation based on gender, race + ethnicity, and age + generation by 2025.

HH Global employees will be paid a living wage. 100% of tier 1 (direct) suppliers* will be required to confirm a living wage policy by 2025.

~90% on track

~95% on track

15% of HH Global annual spend will be placed with small + diverse business suppliers by 2025.

100% of tier 1 (direct) suppliers* to align with HH Global clearly defined environmental and social standards or have appropriate corrective action plans in place by 2025.

~15% early stage

All people development and training programs to include DE+I principles and be completed by 100% of employees by 2025.

~40% on track

100% of tier 1 (direct) suppliers* to receive information and guidance on the Sustainable Development Goals with 30% demonstrating their support by 2025.

~40% on track

~15% on track

*Suppliers that make up 95% of HH Global spend. **Group Management Board and Regional Leadership Teams. *** Per $1m of revenue


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